Mixed Tenses



Mixed Tenses berisi contoh soal campuran dari ketiga bentuk tenses sebelumnya yaitu: past tense, present tense, dan future tense. Pelajari dengan seksama contoh soal mixed tenses di artikel ini.

Mixed Tenses inilah yang sering kita jumpai dalam penggunaan Bahasa Inggris sehari-hari. Kita dituntut untuk peka dalam membedakan apakah sebuah kalimat itu berbentuk past, present, ataukah future.

Latihan Soal Mixed Tenses

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Petunjuk Pengerjaan
Durasi Tes: 10 menit
Jumlah soal: 20 soal
Nilai Jawaban Benar: 5
Nilai Benar Semua: 100
Nilai Minimal Lulus: 80

1 / 20

Last Monday when I . . . . the house it . . . . heavily.

2 / 20

- " . . . . you . . . . this film yet?"

- "Yes."

- "When . . . . you . . . . it?"

3 / 20

I . . . . about it at the moment and I think that I . . . . how to use it now.

4 / 20

Here . . . . your keys. The boy . . . . you up to your rooms and your luggage . . . . up straight away.

5 / 20

It is going to rain. I . . . . glad I . . . . my umbrella with me today.

6 / 20

He came to the writing table and . . . . through the letters which . . . . for him.

7 / 20

My dog . . . . a lot but it . . . . at the moment.

8 / 20

On our way home we . . . . the problem if we could . . . . the fine celebration of our mother's birthday.

9 / 20

The American . . . . the question slowly so that we . . . . .

10 / 20

I . . . . an exercise now but I . . . . it in some minutes.

11 / 20

He . . . . at the blackboard and . . . . that the English teacher . . . . the word "apple" there.

12 / 20

The children . . . . their hands and they . . . . lunch now.

13 / 20

Why . . . . you come yesterday? We . . . . a good time.

14 / 20

Bill . . . . his girl-friend now. That's the third time he . . . . her this evening.

15 / 20

Nick . . . . he . . . . his homework by 4 o'clock.

16 / 20

I . . . . already . . . . the doctor about it, but she couldn't . . . . me.

17 / 20

- What . . . . you . . . . here?

- I . . . . for my friend.

- How long . . . . you . . . . for him?

- For twenty minutes.

18 / 20

They . . . . you the money before they . . . . .

19 / 20

When we . . . . the station the train . . . . already . . . . .

20 / 20

I knew that she . . . . Miss Betsy, because I remembered how my mother . . . . her.

Sedang menilai . . . . .

Photo of author

Syaiful Bachri, S.T.

Syaiful Bachri adalah seorang insinyur mekanik. Saat ini dia berkecimpung di dunia engineering dan pendidikan, sambil menyalurkan hobinya dalam menulis artikel.

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