Indirect Speech



Bagian ini akan menguji pemahaman Anda mengenai penggunaan indirect speech dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ikuti tes atau latihan soal yang ada di bawah. Setiap sesi tes berisi 20 soal yang diambil secara acak dari kumpulan contoh soal indirect speech yang ada di bank soal

Latihan Soal Indirect Speech

Berikut ini daftar 10 besar peserta dengan nilai tertinggi. Kalau nama kamu belum tercantum, segera ikuti latihan soal Indirect Speech di bawah ini.

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Kalau kamu belum berhasil lulus, jangan putus asa. Kerjakan ulang latihan soal ini sesering yang kamu mau. Soal diambil secara acak dari bank soal yang memuat ribuan soal di dalamnya.

Selamat Mengerjakan!


Petunjuk Pengerjaan
Durasi Tes: 10 menit
Jumlah soal: 20 soal
Nilai Jawaban Benar: 5
Nilai Benar Semua: 100
Nilai Minimal Lulus: 80

1 / 20

The teacher asked her pupils . . . .

2 / 20

He said to her, "Don't enter the room".

He ordered her . . . the room.

3 / 20

He thought: "What am I going to do?"

He thought . . . .

4 / 20

He said to me: "I'll come as soon as I can".

He told me that . . . .

5 / 20

Teacher: "Tom, read the story, please".

Teacher asked Tom . . . .

6 / 20

Teachers always tell their pupils . . . .

7 / 20

Julia continued, "You said . . . good service."

8 / 20

"When will you be there, Tom?" asked Dan.

Dan asked Tom . . . .

9 / 20

Lena said, "Where have you been yesterday?"

Lena asked . . . .

10 / 20

I am always asked . . . .

11 / 20

A foreigner asked: "How do English people spend their Sundays?"

A foreigner asked how . . . their Sundays.

12 / 20

He says "What do the pupils study?"

He asks . . . .

13 / 20

Jim and Julia have been in the restaurant for an hour and they have not been served yet. Julia is angry. "You said . . . a good place'.

14 / 20

The manager wondered . . . .

15 / 20

Jane asked Bob: "What did you buy yesterday?"

Jane asked Bob what . . . .

16 / 20

Nick: "Did you see a bird in the tree?"

Nick wonders . . . in the tree.

17 / 20

"Where did you live?" my boss asked.

My boss wanted to know where . . . .

18 / 20

He said "I met him in 1950".

He said . . . .

19 / 20

She asked in surprise . . . .

20 / 20

The father wondered . . . .

Sedang menilai . . . . .

Photo of author

Syaiful Bachri, S.T.

Syaiful Bachri adalah seorang insinyur mekanik. Saat ini dia berkecimpung di dunia engineering dan pendidikan, sambil menyalurkan hobinya dalam menulis artikel.

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