Elementary Grammar

Contoh soal elementary grammar ini akan menguji pemahaman kamu tentang:

  • To Be
  • Possessive Adjectives
  • Opposite Adjectives
  • Subject Pronouns
  • Plural
  • Prepositions
  • Possessive’s
  • Short Answers.

Topik-topik di atas sekilas mungkin terlihat menyeramkan. Tapi coba lihat beberapa macam contoh soal elementary grammar di bawah. Kamu mungkin sudah familiar bahkan bisa mengerjakannya dengan cukup mudah.

Kalau kamu merasa sudah paham mengenai topik-topik di atas, coba kerjakan latihan soal elementary grammar di bawah. Pastikan kamu kerjakan sampai lulus ya!


Contoh Soal Elementary Grammar

Di bawah ini beberapa contoh soal elementary grammar dan jawaban. Dengan mempelajari contoh-contoh soal ini, kamu akan mendapatkan gambaran tentang tingkat kesulitan (atau kemudahan) dari level elementary grammar ini.

Contoh Soal Elementary Grammar 1 – 10

Contoh Soal 1

“How old . . . . . Mr. & Mrs. White?”

” . . . . . 50 and 48.”

  1. is / They
  2. are / They’re
  3. are / They
  4. * / They are

Contoh Soal 2

“How old . . . . ., Andrew?”

” . . . . . 21 years old.”

  1. are you / I’m
  2. is he / He’s
  3. is / He is
  4. are / I

Contoh Soal 3

” . . . . . you now?”

“I’m at the school.”

  1. Where’s
  2. Where’re are
  3. Where’re
  4. Where

Contoh Soal 4

“Where . . . . . now?”

“In her office.”

  1. is he
  2. is she
  3. is it
  4. is

Contoh Soal 5

” . . . . . is his father’s job?”

“He’s a teacher.”

  1. Who
  2. When
  3. Why
  4. What

Contoh Soal 6

This is those . . . . . toy.

  1. kid’s
  2. kid
  3. kids’s
  4. kids’

Contoh Soal 7

They are not my . . . . . books.

  1. children’s
  2. childs
  3. children’
  4. children of

Contoh Soal 8

They’re not his . . . . . mistakes.

  1. friend’s
  2. friend
  3. friends
  4. friends’s

Contoh Soal 9

“Hello, what . . . . . your name?”

  1. is
  2. are
  3. am
  4. be

Contoh Soal 10

. . . . . name is John. And my . . . . . is Johnson.

  1. Your / surname
  2. My / surname
  3. I / surname
  4. I / name

Jawaban Soal Elementary Grammar 1 – 10

  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. D
  7. A
  8. A
  9. A
  10. B

Contoh Soal Elementary Grammar 11 – 20

Contoh Soal 11

My name is Lisa. . . . . . Lisa Peterson.

  1. My am
  2. I is
  3. I am
  4. I

Contoh Soal 12

. . . . . name is Apple. . . . . . Ann Apple.

  1. His / She
  2. His / He’s
  3. Her / She’s
  4. His / His

Contoh Soal 13

“Where . . . . . John from?”

” . . . . . from the US.”

  1. is / He’s
  2. is / His
  3. am / He’s
  4. is / She’s

Contoh Soal 14

” . . . . . are you from?”


  1. What
  2. Who
  3. Where
  4. When

Contoh Soal 15

Where . . . . . you . . . . . ?

  1. is / from
  2. are / in
  3. are / is
  4. are / from

Contoh Soal 16

. . . . . from Spain. I’m Rodriguez.

  1. I’m
  2. He’s
  3. You’re
  4. She’s

Contoh Soal 17

Pierre is a French boy. . . . . . from . . . . . .

  1. He’s / France
  2. His’s / French
  3. His / France
  4. He / France

Contoh Soal 18

Lisa and Max are Americans. . . . . . from U.S.A.

  1. There
  2. Their
  3. They’re
  4. Their’re

Contoh Soal 19

“What . . . . . their . . . . . ?”

“Alexander and Philip.”

  1. are / name
  2. is / name
  3. is / names
  4. are / names

Contoh Soal 20

I . . . . . 22 years old, but Andrew . . . . . 20.

  1. am / am
  2. are / am
  3. am / is
  4. are / are

Jawaban Soal Elementary Grammar 11 – 20

  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C

Contoh Soal Elementary Grammar 21 – 30

Contoh Soal 21

“Are you a student?”

“Yes, I . . . . . .”

  1. am
  2. have
  3. is
  4. ‘m not

Contoh Soal 22

” . . . . . you from Barcelona?”

“No, I’m not.”

  1. Is
  2. Are
  3. Do
  4. Where

Contoh Soal 23

” . . . . . you married?”

“No, I . . . . . .”

  1. Aren’t / am
  2. Are / am
  3. Is / am not
  4. Are / ‘m not

Contoh Soal 24

” . . . . . is Brenda?”

“She’s Patrick’s wife.”

  1. What
  2. Who
  3. Which
  4. Where

Contoh Soal 25

My teacher’s name . . . . . John.

  1. are
  2. is
  3. am
  4. not

Contoh Soal 26

Marcus and Carlos . . . . . my brothers.

  1. Is
  2. am
  3. are
  4. be

Contoh Soal 27

My mother and father . . . . . at work.

  1. is
  2. am
  3. are
  4. *

Contoh Soal 28

It . . . . . Monday today.

  1. is
  2. am
  3. are
  4. *

Contoh Soal 29

This is the photo . . . . . my family.

  1. in
  2. at
  3. of
  4. on

Contoh Soal 30

It’s good practice . . . . . you.

  1. for
  2. at
  3. of
  4. in

Jawaban Soal Elementary Grammar 21 – 30

  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. A

Contoh Soal Elementary Grammar 31 – 40

Contoh Soal 31

I’m . . . . . home.

  1. in
  2. on
  3. at
  4. from

Contoh Soal 32

I’m . . . . . La Guardia Community College.

  1. in
  2. on
  3. at
  4. of

Contoh Soal 33

I’m . . . . . New York.

  1. in
  2. for
  3. at
  4. of

Contoh Soal 34

I’m . . . . . a class . . . . . eight other students.

  1. in / for
  2. at / of
  3. in / with
  4. at / off

Contoh Soal 35

I live . . . . . an apartment . . . . . two American boys.

  1. in / of
  2. at / with
  3. in / with
  4. of / with

Contoh Soal 36

Central Park is lovely . . . . . the snow.

  1. at
  2. in
  3. of
  4. with

Contoh Soal 37

” . . . . . is his job?”

“He . . . . . a policeman.”

  1. Which / is
  2. What / are
  3. What / is
  4. Where / is

Contoh Soal 38

He . . . . . from Argentina. He is . . . . . Mexico.

  1. is / from
  2. isn’t / from
  3. isn’t / in
  4. aren’t / in

Contoh Soal 39

” . . . . . . . . . . is a hamburger and chips?”

“Three pounds fifty.”

  1. How many
  2. How often
  3. How much
  4. How long

Contoh Soal 40

Find the opposite word.

Easy – . . . . .

  1. cold
  2. cheap
  3. difference
  4. difficult

Jawaban Soal Elementary Grammar 31 – 40

  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. C
  6. B
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D

Latihan Soal Elementary Grammar

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Petunjuk Pengerjaan
Durasi Tes: 10 menit
Jumlah soal: 20 soal
Nilai Jawaban Benar: 5
Nilai Benar Semua: 100
Nilai Minimal Lulus: 80

1 / 20

This is those _____ toy.

2 / 20

“Are you from Senegal?”

“No, _____ .”

3 / 20

What’s this ______ English?

4 / 20

She ___ ___ Italy.

5 / 20

A JVC is ______ Japanese camera.

6 / 20

______ name is Apple. ______ Ann Apple.

7 / 20

“Are _____ your parents?”

“Yes, _____ .”

8 / 20

“_____ you married?”

“No, I _____ .”

9 / 20

I’m _____ New York.

10 / 20

He _____ from Argentina. He is _____ Mexico.

11 / 20

Rolls-Royce cars are _____ .

12 / 20

It’s ______ Spanish orange.

13 / 20

Eliza _____ from Greece. _____ from Poland.

14 / 20

“How old _____ Mr. & Mrs. White?”

“_____ 50 and 48.”

15 / 20

“What ____ their _____?”

“Alexander and Philip.”

16 / 20

I ______ 22 years old, but Andrew ______ 20.

17 / 20

“_____ is his job?”

“He _____ a policeman.”

18 / 20

“_____ your teachers married?”

“Yes, _____ .”

19 / 20

This ______ my friend. ______ name’s Richard.

20 / 20

Milan is ______ Italian city.

Sedang menilai . . . . .

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