Future Tense

Materi lengkap dan contoh soal future tense – simple future, future continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous. Disertai dengan latihan soal future tense online.

Contoh Soal Future Tense

Apa Itu Future Tense ?

Future Tense adalah bentuk dari kata kerja tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan hal-hal yang pasti akan terjadi di masa depan, berbicara tentang harapan atau asumsi, serta tindakan spontan yang tidak direncanakan sebelumnya.

Menurut Kamus Merriam-Webster, future tense didefinisikan sebagai:

a verb tense that is used to refer to the future

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Terdapat beberapa bentuk future tense yang umum digunakan yaitu: Simple Future, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, serta Future Perfect Continuous.

Sekarang mari kita pelajari tiap bentuk future tense di atas beserta contoh penggunaannya.

Simple Future Tense

Rumus Simple Future Tense

will + infinitive

Contoh Simple Future Tense

  • Kamilah will sweep the floor. (Kalimat Positif)
  • Kamilah will not sweep the floor. (Kalimat Negatif)
  • Will Kamilah sweep the floor? (Kalimat Tanya)

Fungsi dan Penggunaan Simple Future Tense

Memutuskan sesuatu secara spontan.
– Come on, we will go to the shop.

Menyatakan opini, harapan, atau asumsi mengenai apa yang akan terjadi.
– You will not finish it in just one day.

Berjanji melakukan sesuatu.
– I will complete it tomorrow.

Dalam kalimat tanya digunakan untuk menawarkan atau menyarankan sesuatu, juga untuk meminta bantuan.
Will you marry me?
Will you give me a ride to the school?

Future Continuous Tense

Rumus Future Continuous Tense

will + be + infinitive + ing

Contoh Future Continuous Tense

  • Kamilah will be sweeping the floor. (Kalimat Positif)
  • Kamilah will not be sweeping the floor. (Kalimat Negatif)
  • Will Kamilah be sweeping the floor? (Kalimat Tanya)

Fungsi dan Penggunaan Future Continuous Tense

Menyatakan bahwa suatu kegiatan akan berlangsung pada waktu mendatang.
– She will be swimming at 4 p.m.

Menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan berlanjut selama periode tertentu dari sekarang.
– They will be studying until 8 p.m.

Mengungkapkan suatu tindakan yang akan berlangsung ketika tindakan lain terjadi.
– His girl will be waiting for him at the train station when he arrives.

Membicarakan tentang acara yang direncanakan di masa depan.
– We will be meeting with the directors tomorrow.

Future Perfect Tense

Rumus Future Perfect Tense

will + have + past participle

Contoh Future Perfect Tense

  • Kamilah will have swept the floor. (Kalimat Positif)
  • Kamilah will not have swept the floor. (Kalimat Negatif)
  • Will Kamilah have swept the floor? (Kalimat Tanya)

Fungsi dan Penggunaan Future Perfect Tense

Menyatakan bahwa suatu kegiatan di masa depan akan diselesaikan sebelum kegiatan lainnya.
– My wife will have cooked dinner by the time the guests arrive.
– I will have finished my homework before bedtime.

Menyatakan bahwa suatu kegiatan akan selesai pada waktu yang ditentukan.
– The exam will have finished by 11.00 a.m.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Rumus Future Perfect Continuous Tense

will + have + been + infinitive + ing

Contoh Future Perfect Continuous Tense

  • Kamilah will have been sweeping the floor. (Kalimat Positif)
  • Kamilah will not have been sweeping the floor. (Kalimat Negatif)
  • Will Kamilah have been sweeping the floor? (Kalimat Tanya)

Fungsi dan Penggunaan Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Menekankan durasi suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa depan.
– By this time tomorrow, you will have been driving for 36 hours!

Contoh Kalimat Future Tense

Contoh Kalimat Simple Future Tense

1. I will go to the gym tomorrow.

2. She will finish her project by next week.

3. They will travel to Europe next summer.

4. We will have a meeting at 10 AM.

5. He will start his new job on Monday.

6. She will call you as soon as she arrives.

7. They will buy a new car next month.

8. We will visit our grandparents this weekend.

9. He will graduate from university next year.

10. The company will launch a new product in the fall.

Contoh Kalimat Future Continuous Tense

1. Tomorrow at this time, I will be attending a meeting.

2. By next year, they will be living in their new house.

3. At 8 PM tonight, she will be cooking dinner for her family.

4. Next month, we will be celebrating my brother’s birthday.

5. By this time next week, he will be finishing his exams.

6. In two hours, they will be flying to Paris for their vacation.

7. At this time tomorrow, I will be giving a presentation at work.

8. By the end of the year, he will be completing his degree.

9. At 10 AM tomorrow, they will be touring the museum.

10. Next summer, we will be exploring Europe together.

Contoh Kalimat Future Perfect Tense

1. By next year, I will have completed my master’s degree.

2. They will have finished building the new bridge by the end of this month.

3. By the time you arrive, we will have already left for the airport.

4. She will have graduated from college by the time she turns 25.

5. By tomorrow morning, he will have fixed the leaking faucet.

6. They will have saved enough money to buy a house by the end of the year.

7. By the time the guests arrive, we will have cooked dinner.

8. He will have traveled to all seven continents by the age of 30.

9. By next month, she will have worked at the company for ten years.

10. They will have completed the construction of the skyscraper by the scheduled deadline.

Contoh Kalimat Future Perfect Continuous Tense

1. By the time you arrive, I will have been waiting for two hours.

2. By next week, they will have been working on the project for six months.

3. By the end of the year, she will have been studying English for five years.

4. By the time he finishes his training, he will have been exercising for three hours straight.

5. By the time the concert starts, the musicians will have been rehearsing for hours.

6. By tomorrow morning, I will have been sleeping for ten hours.

7. By the time they reach the summit, they will have been climbing for seven hours.

8. By the time the party ends, we will have been dancing for hours.

9. By next month, he will have been living in the city for ten years.

10. By the time the guests arrive, the chef will have been cooking all day.

Contoh Future Tense Dalam Kalimat Positif (+), Kalimat Negatif (-), dan Kalimat Tanya (?)

Berikut ini adalah 4 jenis future tense dalam bentuk kalimat positif atau pernyataan, kalimat negatif atau penyangkalan, serta kalimat interogatif atau pertanyaan.

Contoh Soal Future Tense dan Jawaban

Contoh Soal Future Tense 1

Which sentence is in Simple Future Tense?

a) She will be cooking dinner tomorrow.
b) They are going to the concert tonight.
c) He has finished his homework.
d) They will visit their grandparents next weekend.

d) They will visit their grandparents next weekend.

Contoh soal future tense di atas menggunakan bentuk kata kerja “will visit” yang menunjukkan tindakan yang akan terjadi di masa depan, sehingga berada dalam Simple Future Tense.

Contoh Soal Future Tense 2

Choose the sentence in Future Continuous Tense:

a) She will have completed her project by tomorrow.
b) They will be traveling to Paris next month.
c) He will be playing football at 5 PM tomorrow.
d) I am meeting her at the cafe later today.

c) He will be playing football at 5 PM tomorrow.

Contoh soal future tense tersebut menggunakan bentuk kata kerja “will be playing” yang menunjukkan tindakan yang akan sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa depan, sehingga berada dalam Future Continuous Tense.

Contoh Soal Future Tense 3

Identify the sentence in Future Perfect Tense:

a) By the time you arrive, we will finish dinner.
b) They will be working on the project all day.
c) She will have graduated from university next year.
d) He is going to have a party on Saturday.

c) She will have graduated from university next year.

Contoh soal future tense di atas menggunakan bentuk kata kerja “will have graduated” yang menunjukkan bahwa suatu tindakan akan selesai pada waktu tertentu di masa depan sebelum tindakan lainnya, sehingga berada dalam Future Perfect Tense.

Contoh Soal Future Tense 4

Which sentence represents Future Perfect Continuous Tense?

a) They will have been waiting for an hour when the bus arrives.
b) She will be sleeping by the time we get home.
c) He will have completed his assignment by tomorrow morning.
d) I will have finished reading the book by the end of the week.

a) They will have been waiting for an hour when the bus arrives.

Contoh soal future tense tersebut menggunakan bentuk kata kerja “will have been waiting” yang menunjukkan tindakan yang akan sedang berlangsung untuk periode waktu tertentu di masa depan, sehingga berada dalam Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

Contoh Soal Future Tense 5

Which sentence is in Simple Future Tense?

a) She will have been studying for two hours by then.
b) They are planning a trip to Italy next summer.
c) He will be finishing his work at 6 PM tomorrow.
d) We have been waiting for the bus for too long.

b) They are planning a trip to Italy next summer.

Contoh soal future tense di atas menggunakan bentuk kata kerja “will” dan menyatakan tindakan yang akan terjadi di masa depan tanpa keterangan waktu tertentu, sehingga berada dalam Simple Future Tense.

Contoh Soal Future Tense 6

Choose the sentence in Future Continuous Tense:

a) By this time next week, they will finish their exams.
b) She will have been baking cookies all afternoon.
c) At 9 PM tomorrow, he will be flying to Paris.
d) They will arrive at the airport by 7 AM.

c) At 9 PM tomorrow, he will be flying to Paris.

Contoh soal future tense di atas menggunakan bentuk kata kerja “will be flying” yang menunjukkan tindakan yang akan sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa depan, sehingga berada dalam Future Continuous Tense.

Contoh Soal Future Tense 7

Identify the sentence in Future Perfect Tense:

a) We will have a picnic in the park tomorrow.
b) By the time you wake up, I will have left.
c) She will be living in London for five years.
d) He will be reading a book at the library.

b) By the time you wake up, I will have left.

Contoh soal future tense tersebut menggunakan bentuk kata kerja “will have left” yang menunjukkan bahwa suatu tindakan akan selesai pada waktu tertentu di masa depan sebelum tindakan lainnya, sehingga berada dalam Future Perfect Tense.

Contoh Soal Future Tense 8

Which sentence represents Future Perfect Continuous Tense?

a) By the end of the year, they will have been renovating the house for ten months.
b) She will meet her friends at the cafe tomorrow.
c) They will finish their project by Friday.
d) He will visit his parents next weekend.

a) By the end of the year, they will have been renovating the house for ten months.

Contoh soal future tense di atas menggunakan bentuk kata kerja “will have been renovating” yang menunjukkan tindakan yang akan sedang berlangsung untuk periode waktu tertentu di masa depan, sehingga berada dalam Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

Contoh Soal Future Tense 9

Which sentence is in Simple Future Tense?

a) I will have dinner with them tonight.
b) She is going to the gym right now.
c) He will call you when he arrives.
d) They have been watching TV for hours.

c) He will call you when he arrives.

Contoh soal future tense di atas menggunakan bentuk kata kerja “will” dan menyatakan tindakan yang akan terjadi di masa depan setelah tindakan lainnya terjadi, sehingga berada dalam Simple Future Tense.

Contoh Soal Future Tense 10

Choose the sentence in Future Continuous Tense:

a) By the time we get there, the movie will have started.
b) She will have been driving for three hours when she reaches her destination.
c) They will be having dinner at 7 PM tomorrow.
d) He will complete his assignment by tomorrow morning.

c) They will be having dinner at 7 PM tomorrow.

Contoh soal future tense tersebut menggunakan bentuk kata kerja “will be having” yang menunjukkan tindakan yang akan sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa depan, sehingga berada dalam Future Continuous Tense.

Setelah mempelajari berbagai contoh soal future tense beserta penggunaannya di atas, cobalah untuk mengerjakan latihan soal future tense di bawah ini.

Latihan Soal Future Tense

Berikut ini daftar 10 besar peserta dengan nilai tertinggi. Bila nama kamu belum tercantum, segera ikuti latihan soal future tense di bawah ini.


Bila kamu belum berhasil lulus, kerjakan ulang latihan soal ini. Soal diambil secara acak dari bank soal contohsoalku.com yang memuat ribuan soal di dalamnya.


Petunjuk Pengerjaan
Durasi Tes: 10 menit
Jumlah soal: 20 soal
Nilai Jawaban Benar: 5
Nilai Benar Semua: 100
Nilai Minimal Lulus: 80

1 / 20

I . . . . if you come too late tomorrow.

2 / 20

They . . . . dinner at this time tomorrow.

3 / 20

Mark . . . . into the army next year.

4 / 20

They . . . . their English exam at this time tomorrow.

5 / 20

Ask him when the engineers . . . . finish the talks.

6 / 20

All the children . . . . on an excursion next week.

7 / 20

I . . . . to start a new life tomorrow.

8 / 20

He . . . . to learn French next year.

9 / 20

What's happened to your hair? Your mother . . . .

10 / 20

We . . . . for Niagara tomorrow.

11 / 20

This time tomorrow we . . . . probably . . . . fishing.

12 / 20

He . . . . for you at 7 in the evening next Sunday.

13 / 20

I'll ask him what he . . . . for lunch.

14 / 20

Be quick or we . . . . for school.

15 / 20

My boss . . . . some V.I.P's tomorrow.

16 / 20

Who . . . . for a walk tomorrow?

17 / 20

What . . . . you . . . . at 6 tomorrow?

18 / 20

What . . . . you . . . . next Sunday?

19 / 20

I shall be back by 6 and I hope you . . . . a good sleep by that time.

20 / 20

By the end of the first term we . . . . many English books.

Sedang menilai . . . . .


Future tense adalah bagian penting dari tata bahasa Inggris dan sering digunakan dalam berbagai konteks komunikasi sehari-hari.

Memahami contoh soal future tense dan menggunakan future tense dengan tepat memungkinkan kita untuk menyampaikan rencana, prediksi, janji, dan harapan untuk kejadian yang akan datang.

Kemampuan untuk menggunakan future tense dengan benar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris secara keseluruhan.

Ada beberapa bentuk future tense yang umum digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris, seperti future simple tense, future continuous tense, future perfect tense, dan future perfect continuous tense.

Setiap bentuk tersebut memiliki fungsi dan penggunaan yang berbeda dalam menyampaikan kejadian yang akan datang.

Dengan memahami dan menguasai contoh soal future tense, seseorang akan menjadi lebih terampil dalam menyampaikan gagasan dan informasi tentang masa depan dalam bahasa Inggris, baik dalam percakapan sehari-hari, menulis, maupun situasi formal lainnya.

Oleh karena itu, penting bagi pembelajar bahasa Inggris untuk mempelajari future tense agar dapat berkomunikasi dengan lebih efektif dan jelas.

Selamat Belajar Selalu!

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