Infinitive dan Gerund



Bagian ini akan menguji pemahaman Anda mengenai penggunaan infinitive dan gerund dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ikuti tes atau latihan soal yang ada di bawah. Setiap sesi tes berisi 20 soal yang diambil secara acak dari kumpulan contoh soal infinitive dan gerund yang ada di bank soal

Latihan Soal Infinitive dan Gerund

Berikut ini daftar 10 besar peserta dengan nilai tertinggi. Kalau nama kamu belum tercantum, segera ikuti latihan soal Infinitive dan Gerund di bawah ini.

  • Pos.
  • 1

Kalau kamu belum berhasil lulus, jangan putus asa. Kerjakan ulang latihan soal ini sesering yang kamu mau. Soal diambil secara acak dari bank soal yang memuat ribuan soal di dalamnya.

Selamat Mengerjakan!


Petunjuk Pengerjaan
Durasi Tes: 10 menit
Jumlah soal: 20 soal
Nilai Jawaban Benar: 5
Nilai Benar Semua: 100
Nilai Minimal Lulus: 80

1 / 20

Nobody heard her . . . English.

2 / 20

He is an artistic person - very good at . . . poetry.

3 / 20

It's never too late . . . .

4 / 20

After . . . my work I'll join you.

5 / 20

Tom wants to read a book but Susan makes him . . . something in the paper. It's an advertisement for a better job. She wants him . . . for this job.

6 / 20

. . . in Geneva for many years he knew the city well.

7 / 20

In winter he spends much time in the mountains, he is fond of . . . .

8 / 20

But the beaver went on . . . lace.

9 / 20

We often hear her . . . at concerts.

10 / 20

Many builders and engineers from other republics began . . . to build new houses in Moscow in 1995.

11 / 20

How do you feel if someone interrupts you?

I hate people . . . me.

12 / 20

How do you feel if someone laughs at you? I hate people . . . at me.

13 / 20

She left the room without . . . good bye.

14 / 20

She dreams of her son's . . . a director of the company.

15 / 20

. . . English is the best way of . . . it.

16 / 20

I hope . . . you this evening.

17 / 20

On . . . the classroom the teacher asked to the pupil on duty, "Who is absent?"

18 / 20

Please, try . . . quiet, everyone is sleeping.

19 / 20

If you are lost in a snow storm it's best . . . a hole and sit in it until it stops . . . .

20 / 20

The man . . . the newspaper is my brother.

Sedang menilai . . . . .

Photo of author

Syaiful Bachri, S.T.

Syaiful Bachri adalah seorang insinyur mekanik. Saat ini dia berkecimpung di dunia engineering dan pendidikan, sambil menyalurkan hobinya dalam menulis artikel.

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